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password card中文是什么意思

用"password card"造句"password card"怎么读"password card" in a sentence


  • 口令卡


  • Providing products to client of front line , which are extremely ignored usually and are supported by the government authroties in the future , can give us satisfied profit space , such as statistical information collecting project . on the another side , technical thoughts is software and hardware is associated closely and producing coping effect . so it can reach the company ' s goal of cost control ^ keeping technology secrece and maintain and sales conveniently , such as dynamic password card ( srz04 personal indetity project )
    公司本着稳健经营、成本至上的原则,着眼长远,提供行业基层科技应用需要被极度忽略、而宏观政策将在未来给予大力支持的产品,避开可能的竞争对手,先行一步,以其获得满意的利润空间,如统计信息采集项目等;产品思路将走软、硬件相结合、有复制效应的技术路线,以利于成本控制、技术保密、维护方便、销售有利等目的,如动态口令机( srz04身份认证项目) 。
用"password card"造句  
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